
Thursday, July 26, 2012

To Grandmother's House She Goes

Scarlett had a BIG milestone on Tuesday, her first night away from Mommy, Daddy, and home. Shayne has to travel a TON with work, and every Fall my travel days begin to amp up as I prepare for my biggest program {a development, networking, and CLE event for attorneys in Texas} of the year. We have at least one reception in each major city in Texas to promote our program and Tuesday night was the Fort Worth reception. While this trip wasn't a big one {I was only 40 minutes away} it was still really hard to be away from my little sweetheart, but I think it was easier on me since I knew that Grandma Celia would be taking great care of her! Scarlett had lots of fun playing with Randy and Uncle Cody too! I know that it will always be tough to be away from her, and I'll have a GREAT sense of urgency to get back to her as quickly as possible but a loving and supportive family sure made it easier on this Momma! ;) Enjoy some pictures of Scarlett's trip!

Blowing Bubbles

Big smile



In Grandma Celia's arms at last!

Hanging out on Grandma Celia's couch.
Of course she is smiling here because she is SO happy to see her Momma again ;)

Smiley girl saying good-bye to Grandma Celia

Finally getting the hang of this road trip thing

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