
Monday, July 23, 2012

Sleep, what’s that?

As all you parents out there know it often seems as if our little ones are awake more than they are asleep! Well it certainly seems that way with Scarlett, so I just love to capture those moments of my sweet little sleeping angel. Here are some of my favorite shots! 

She’s always loved sleeping with her hand on her face <3
Scarlett copying cousin Reegan
Looking truly angelic

Just love all her neck and arm rolls
Touch Down


Fish face
Crooked lips
The Thinker
As Grandpa Taylor says, Scarlett dreaming of the Angel
Napping with Daddy

Family nap

Hand on her face again <3

1 comment:

  1. HOW ADORABLE! Super cutie with all the different position you have captured. I might just be copying this with Reegan...home girl has some cray cray sleeping aerobics!

    Auntie Rae


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