
Monday, July 30, 2012


Well it was a scorcher Saturday, just under 100° F, so we decided to beat the heat by grabbing a delicious Frozen Yogurt at our favorite, The Yogurt Spot. It's always a fun time with Ms. Scarlett! She was extremely smiley and gnawing away at her hands {her new favorite thing to do} since she's still a little too young for some yummy Burrr-berry FroYo {Momma’s fav}. She was particularly interested in the blue, orange, and gray walls and the news updates on the London 2012 Summer Olympics. Shayne and I speculated that she might make a good Volleyball player in the 2030 Olympics ;)

Happy to be out and about!
Checkin' out the cool wall colors
Hanging with Daddy!
Scarlett in attack mode...


Catching up on the 2012 Summer Olympics ;)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Hooray for mamaRoo!

Well Scarlett is ABSOLUTELY loving the swing at her school so I decided to get a small swing/chair/bouncer for her to hang out in at home. I got a couple of recommendations from my Mommy friends but was intrigued when I saw the mamaRoo. When I visited their website I thought, "Of course!" when I read, "Parents don't vibrate like bouncy seats or swing like swings. They bounce and sway, and that's what the mamaRoo does. It moves like you do." I clicked on the "As seen on ellen" link and I was sold, because if Ellen or her guests like a product then it MUST be wonderful! Well Scarlett's mamaRoo was delivered yesterday and my little sweet heart really enjoys her new seat! Check it out!

Enjoying her mamaRoo and checking out the toy ball mobile 

This fussy girl met her match with the mamaRoo!

Don't mind the spit-up! ;)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

To Grandmother's House She Goes

Scarlett had a BIG milestone on Tuesday, her first night away from Mommy, Daddy, and home. Shayne has to travel a TON with work, and every Fall my travel days begin to amp up as I prepare for my biggest program {a development, networking, and CLE event for attorneys in Texas} of the year. We have at least one reception in each major city in Texas to promote our program and Tuesday night was the Fort Worth reception. While this trip wasn't a big one {I was only 40 minutes away} it was still really hard to be away from my little sweetheart, but I think it was easier on me since I knew that Grandma Celia would be taking great care of her! Scarlett had lots of fun playing with Randy and Uncle Cody too! I know that it will always be tough to be away from her, and I'll have a GREAT sense of urgency to get back to her as quickly as possible but a loving and supportive family sure made it easier on this Momma! ;) Enjoy some pictures of Scarlett's trip!

Blowing Bubbles

Big smile



In Grandma Celia's arms at last!

Hanging out on Grandma Celia's couch.
Of course she is smiling here because she is SO happy to see her Momma again ;)

Smiley girl saying good-bye to Grandma Celia

Finally getting the hang of this road trip thing

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sleep, what’s that?

As all you parents out there know it often seems as if our little ones are awake more than they are asleep! Well it certainly seems that way with Scarlett, so I just love to capture those moments of my sweet little sleeping angel. Here are some of my favorite shots! 

She’s always loved sleeping with her hand on her face <3
Scarlett copying cousin Reegan
Looking truly angelic

Just love all her neck and arm rolls
Touch Down


Fish face
Crooked lips
The Thinker
As Grandpa Taylor says, Scarlett dreaming of the Angel
Napping with Daddy

Family nap

Hand on her face again <3

Friday, July 20, 2012

My Inspiration

After a lot of deliberation I have finally decided to start a blog, the main reason being Scarlett. My sweet girl is 10 weeks today, and she has already grown and developed so much! I really wanted a way to document not only the big, but also the small milestones in Scarlett's life; all those little things that have put a smile on my face for the last 70 days. Since I am already behind I’m going to list some of the milestones and moments that I cherish.

Scarlett at just six days old, hanging out with Mommy

Scarlett with her Sweet Seat
· May 11, 2012 The best day of my life, the day that my sweet Scarlett was born! 

· May 13, 2012 Mommy’s first Mother’s Day with Scarlett and the day that we all got to come home from the hospital! Daddy was glad to get home and into his bed after two days on the hospital pull out couch.

· May 16, 2012 Scarlett’s newborn photo shoot with Heavenly Peach Photographer Lea Ciceraro.

· May 23, 2012 The first of her monthly photo shoots with her adorable Sweet Seat from Auntie Rachel.

· May 24, 2012 The day that her umbilical cord fell off, I had to fight the tears. Ridiculous I know, but I am sure I am not the first Mom to cry at this milestone!

· June 16, 2012 The first night that Scarlett slept through the night, I joked with Daddy that it was her Father’s Day present to him.

· June 17, 2012 Daddy’s first Father’s Day with Scarlett!

Scarlett on her first day of school

· June 25, 2012 Scarlett’s first day of school. They noted that she was smiling a lot in her sleep. Something that makes me laugh, the “Blowout” that Scarlett had at 12:45p.m. that day. What a way to start school! school

· June 26, 2012 The first day that Scarlett played hooky from school and stayed at home with Grandma Celia. Grandma did a great job of noting Scarlett’s activities of playing on her activity mat, listening to music, smiling and laughing at herself in the mirror.

· June 28, 2012 Her teachers noted that Scarlett and Ms. Yoshi made feet art, which was made into the most adorable underwater scene with a Scarlett fish!

Scarlett's first Art Project

· June 29, 2012 While at school Scarlett watched bubbles float around the classroom and was cooing while on the Boppy.

· July 12, 2012 Her teachers noted that Scarlett was rolling side to side on the play mat at school.

· July 20, 2012 Scarlett was holding a toy ring and moving it around at school.

These may not seem like notable events to most, but they mean the world to this Momma! I cherish every single moment and milestone, big and small, that Scarlett has made and will make. My sweet girl is such a joy whether she is laughing or crying, “talking” to me or yanking my hair, sleeping peacefully in my arms or having a blowout everywhere; every day, hour, minute, second with my darling baby is such a blessing that I could not be more thankful for!

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