
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Mommy a.k.a. The Bag Lady

I was inspired by a post by my sister {Rachel Harding} on being a Mommy MacGyver. Once I became a Momma I turned into a total bag lady. It's funny the comments I get in the elevators at work, my fav thus far is the comment that my pump case was a "really big lunch case", as if I would need a lunch box that big!!! I definitely feel like a pack mule sometimes but have tried to streamline things. The method to my madness is bags, bags, bags! I use a Whole Foods wine bottle bag to put clean and empty bottles in for pumping at work, and my breastshields in a food storage container fit nicely on top!

If you can believe it I have even more bags that I bring to daycare to pick up Scarlett. I have a large Whole Foods bag, with a smaller one inside, as well as plastic grocery bags. Scarlett's used bottles fit nicely in the small bag, and stay propped up so that they don't fall over and make a mess. I like to have the grocery bags to put her blanket in since it is usually pretty junky by the end of the day as well as any clothes that have been soiled.

One thing I will be adding to my going home bag is a sheet protector or plastic envelope to put notes, letters, daycare log, and art projects in, thanks to Vanessa Erickson's idea in her post on being a Mommy MacGyver!

I usually store frozen breastmilk in a ziplock freezer bag but may just have to try out Vanessa's tip to use an old soda can box. What a great idea!


I cannot believe I forgot to include this but I do have one more handy tip! I did not want to add another bag to my daily haul but wanted to have some diapers on hand in case I had to make a quick stop with Scarlett on the way home. Solution? Put a couple diapers in the glove compartment! Wishing I had some of those dry wipes that you get at the hospital that you just have to add water to, but if worse comes to worse a wet paper towel will suffice ;) So there's one more Momma tip/trick for ya!

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